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Imec.xpand is an independently managed, game-changing way to enable early-stage nano electronics-based innovation powered by imec, the world-leading R&D hub for nanoelectronics and digital technology.

Imec.xpand invests in innovative, early-stage ideas and projects, grown both inside and outside of imec. Projects in which the imec knowledge, expertise and infrastructure will be the differentiating factor for success. Imec.xpand also reserve sufficient amounts for follow on and growth financing to ensure superior financial return on the investments.

With imec.xpand, imec opens its doors to those who want to participate in the next wave of innovation. Imec.xpand gives access to imec’s state of the art infrastructure, allows for extended incubation periods, and benefits from the vision and support of corporate investors and the return-based approach of traditional venture capital.

Imec.xpand gives strategic investors a first-look at the technologies that will give them a competitive edge. Likewise, it offers financial investors the opportunity to benefit from being the first mover in a fast-developing market.

You can find more information here

Are you interested in working with imec? Imec.xpand coördinator Peter Vanbekbergen will be happy to answer your questions and provide you all the required information.