Accelerate your innovation.
Explore our solutions.


We help you with the development of technological solutions applicable to products and services, offering our expertise throughout the entire lifecycle of the innovation process.

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Idea to design

Imec evaluates your early-stage ideas on feasibility, viability and desirability. Whether you are designing a product or developing a digital solution, imec will guide you towards your first blueprints, designs and models. Our expertise, professional coaching and infrastructure are various factors that will help bring your idea successfully to the market.

Prototyping & testing

Being able to validate your hypothesis is crucial. What will your solution look like? How will it interact with people? Imec’s facilities will enable you in making the best prototype possible. Then it can be tested under realistic circumstances. Listening to potential customers and partners lets you enhance your prototype, raising your chances for a successful result.

Production & growth

Imec gives you the leverage to start production. At imec.IC-link innovators can realize their ideas in silicon. We help you with low-volume IC and system production and finding the right partners to reach your goal. And after the launch, the innovation process continues. How does your product or service become and stay viable? Imec helps you to grow your solution in a sustainable way.

Smart-Media Meetups

Platform that stimulates media innovations by bringing together the ecosystem and through dissemination of new insights and initiatives.

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Local initiatives

Turning your innovative idea into a success requires skills, resources and the right technology. As a Flemish entrepreneur, designer or software developer, imec offers you specialized sponsored programs, with in-depth coaching, facilities and support.

Discover some stories about local initiatives

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