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EU-funded research

Industrial, scientific and societal challenges have become more and more complex, intertwined and interdisciplinary. This is especially true for long-term, global challenges such as climate change. Now more than ever we need to foster collaborations that exceed the borders of research domains, institutes and countries to push technology and knowledge forward and ensure that innovative ideas find their way to the market. Imec and the EU underpin this reality by joining forces on the European R&D scene.

Imec and the EU: a strategic partnership

EU research and innovation programs offer a wide range of funding and collaboration opportunities to which imec strongly contributes. The current framework program Horizon 2020 is one of the biggest ever. Its goal is to place Europe on the map by supporting world-class science and technology, opening roads to innovation and mediating collaborations to tackle the big challenges of today’s society. With its important role on the European R&D stage, imec complements well the European agenda.

Three pillars: Science, industry and society

The EU funds research through a series of interlinked programs aimed at tackling the big challenges -both short-term and long-term- in science, industry and society.

A small selection of the extent:

  • With overarching impact on all domains: ECSEL JU, Graphene Flagship
  • Specific for one area: FIRE, smart health, smart energy
  • Awarded to excellent researchers: ERC, Marie Skłodowska-Curie

Imec participates in all areas with solutions in nanoelectronics and digital technology.

Bridging the Valley of Death

One of the main challenges Europe is currently facing is the difficulty to convert academic research into marketable products or services, a phenomenon known as the ‘Valley of Death’. Despite Europe’s leading role in the development of Key Enabling Technologies (KETs), the translation of this innovation capital to manufacturing has been lagging. It is exactly there that imec plays a pivotal role being a research and technology organization (RTO). From its unique position between academia and industry, imec is perfectly placed to build the bridge across the Valley of Death.

Discover how imec and the EU together take on the big challenges of society and support the competitive position of Europe’s industry in the world:

EU-funded research: Smart Health

EU-funded research: Smart Mobility

Eu-funded research: Smart Industries

EU-funded research: Smart Energy

EU-funded research: Smart Education

EU-funded research: Smart Cities