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/What we offer/Research/Government-funded research

Government-funded research

Research funded by the EC 

Industrial, scientific and societal challenges have become more and more complex, intertwined and interdisciplinary. This is especially true for long-term, global challenges such as climate change. Now more than ever we need to foster collaborations that exceed the borders of research domains, institutes and countries to push technology and knowledge forward and ensure that innovative ideas find their way to the market. Imec and the EU underpin this reality by joining forces on the European R&D scene.
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Funded research for Flemish companies

Imec encourages Flemish companies to innovate through research and helps them to apply for funding by the Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship agency, "KMO portefeuille", EU programs, etc. 

Imec supports Flemish companies in several phases of their research process:

  • Information regarding technological opportunities
  • Technological knowledge sharing
  • Research insights
  • Research participation
  • Application of research results
  • Support with development of new products and processes

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